This Korean Life #44 feat: Amit Kumar

Quality Peninsula Banter

3 years ago

Episode Notes

Our 44th guest, Amit Kumar, shared his incredible story from the small Indian town of Dhampur to Pohang, where he currently works as a research professor at POSTECH. His commitment, resilience, work ethic and unwavering focus landed him a spot in one of India's prestigious "Indian Institutes of Technology", which have an entrance rate of 0.01% (less than 2% of accepted applicants*) . Have a listen to this man's amazing journey and enjoy.

The Indian Institutes of Technology, which are spread across the country, have an acceptance rate of less than 2 percent — and that is only from a pool of roughly 500,000 who qualify to take the entrance exam, a feat that requires two years of specialized coaching after school. The acceptance rate of 5.8% at Harvard is amongst the lowest in the US which ironically makes it 8 times easier to get into than the IITs.

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