This Korean Life #51 feat Jason Kim

Quality Peninsula Banter

3 years ago

Episode Notes

Jason Kim, head of the grounds keeping and maintenance at the Ulsan Grand Park was our guest in Episode 51. He shared an interesting story and gave a lot of insight into the operation of the park as well as the World Cup stadium where he worked previously.

#ulsanrosefestival #munsustadium #울산대공원 #울산장미꽃 #문수추구경기장 #울산시 #ulsangrandpark #thiskoreanlife #ulsanpodcast #expatsinulsan #expatsinkorea #ulsanexpats #podcastinkorea #ulsancity #ulsan #therisingcity #koreapodcast #qualitypeninsulabanter

Ulsan Grand Park

Munsu World Cup Stadium

Dr. English

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